The Malta Experience i Valletta

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MaltaThe Malta Experience



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Saint Elmo Bastions, Mediterranean Street, Valletta VLT06, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 3776
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8998274, Longitude: 14.5186043

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Chell


    The tunnel tour from the Battery was really amazing. Our guide was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable which greatly enhanced the experience and made for a awesome look at some of Malta's secret underground history.

  • en

    Trevor Thompson


    Fprt St Elmo is well worth a visit if you are interested in history of Malta. The audio visual presentations are an excellent way to walk you through Maltese history from 5000BC to 2004

  • Elmira T

    Elmira T


    A good place to start your visit to Malta. Liked the tour to the hospital, our guide made us all interested.

  • en

    Zeena Wilson


    Brilliant depiction of Malta's past history. It may be a small island but what a checkered and interesting history! Wow! The programme is very well done. Loved it!

  • en

    Jo S.


    Very good to learn Malta's history in 45min. Especially recommended for the first day of your stay. However, 16€ is quite expensive... A short guided tour to the hospital which is next to the Malta experience is included in the price as well.

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