Wigi's Kitchen i Saint Julian's

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MaltaWigi's Kitchen



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Main Street, Saint Julian's, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2137 7504
internet side: www.wigiskitchen.com
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Latitude: 35.9150455, Longitude: 14.4932822

kommentar 5

  • en

    Petrescu Dragos


    Great experience! Amazing food and service, don't miss if you want to taste great food and be treated good. I particularly enjoyed the octopus, rabbit belly and the veal main. Local wine was good.You should book in advance by calling them as the place is small and gets busy very quickly.

  • W.M. LIEW

    W.M. LIEW


    Will find it tough to give Wigi a good rating if I were to consider the overall ambience of the restaurant which is typically simple, dull and uninspiring especially for the prices charged. So my rating is strictly for the quality of the food is wonderful. Especially like the starters of baked brie with artichokes and baked tart tartan with beef / onion,..absolutely delicious. They really nailed it. The mains of veal rack with seasonal veg (carrots/potatoes/parsnips) was quite sublime. Done to med raw, just like the way I would have roasted it myself. The red mullet fish pan fried with some veg was ..OK. Would have been better if its simply fried w/o sauce like the way its usually done in Greece. Still, when in Malta, do it the Maltese way!

  • Chris Mapara

    Chris Mapara


    Best steak I've ever had. Definitely a place worth visiting when in Malta!!

  • Ray Calleja

    Ray Calleja


    Excellent restaurant. Ever-changing menu. First class dining experience.

  • Kim Scott

    Kim Scott


    Hands down, the best meal I had in Malta! A small dining room, with harbor views....expect fresh food, simply and exquisitely prepared. They will expertly pair wines as part of the impeccable service. Prices very reasonable for this level of quality. Book ahead, even in low season!!

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