Corner View - Pizza By Luca Network Partner i Wied il-Għajn

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MaltaCorner View - Pizza By Luca Network Partner



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Triq Ix-Xatt, MSK 2110, Wied il-Għajn, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7760 0200
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.865374, Longitude: 14.562956

kommentar 5

  • en

    TheWolve'sDen Crafts, Tutorials and Gaming!


    I ordered for a beef burger and chips and salad, It didn't even come with a salad,Garlic bread was mozzarella bread.But good waiters good food. I recommend it

  • Gerald Valvo

    Gerald Valvo


    Great Eatery, excellent service, Mine Host Yousef very easy to converse with and respectful to young and old customers - - - - yeh yeh top Cafe, Restaurant, Pub, best informal joint in Marsaskala without doubt.

  • Dariusz Jemielniak

    Dariusz Jemielniak


    The pizza is ok, even if quite bland/unmemorable, nothing to come back for. The menu is affordable. I was overcharged 3 Euro (for an XL pizza and small chips, which should be 12+1.2, I was charged 16). I skipped the tip and I'm going to monitor the card I used.

  • Laëtitia Roiron

    Laëtitia Roiron


    Serving time a bit long but it's worth it ! The food is really tasty, good quality products and nice waiters. Add to this the fact that is really cheap! Good choice of wine too. I recommend!

  • en

    Liz Smith


    No nonsense pizzeria. As the name suggests it's on the corner with great views of the gently bobbing luzzu on the water across to the sleepy flats. Good pizzas, good prices...threw them off guard ordering a shrimp cocktail (it's on the menu). Service was slow but amiable, lots of local old dudes here. Not a foodie must do but pleasant for lunch.

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