Domino's i San Pawl il-Baħar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Triq Il-Maskli Qawra SPB, San Pawl il-Baħar 1484, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2144 2144
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9539773, Longitude: 14.421963

kommentar 5

  • CharlyTDM07 .

    CharlyTDM07 .


    Best pizza I have ever had! They make the crust delicious! All other restaurants with pizzas on the menu had hard crusts! 10/10 would recommend!

  • Mark Church

    Mark Church


    It was great to watch our pizza being made from start to finish, and with care. The choice was very good and the premises was clean.

  • Stacey Mensah

    Stacey Mensah


    The pizza itself was pretty good. However in one of the pizzas we found a sharp piece of plastic which was quite big, it was pretty alarming which is why I simply could not give it five stars. Our delivery driver was nice and everything else was fine :)

  • Martina Veggetti

    Martina Veggetti


    Fast and cheap☺️ yummy pizza and we got drinks and garlic bread included in the price! We had 4 pizza for 4 people; but one and half was leftover, still good heated up the next day. Good value for money

  • Zdeněk Kukula

    Zdeněk Kukula


    Everything perfect, but taste of pizza. Modern restaurant with menu on TVs, animated, where you can even see progress of making your pizza. Nice and clean, with option to charge your phones. For this I would give 5 stars. Bu than I received my veg pizza and started eating it, it did not taste at all. Some herbs and better ingrediences would help.

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