Margo's Mistra Bay i Il-Mellieħa

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MaltaMargo's Mistra Bay



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Palazzo Santa Rosa Mistra Bay MLH0000, Il-Mellieħa, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7762 7467
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.958264, Longitude: 14.389477

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tiger Cat


    So... as you can read at menu Margos has best pizza at the world... So be aware ....NO! for the most expensive standard pizza at malta or maybe in the world you will be dissapointed. In my opinion is not worth to check it as is over advertised and over priced. Descriptions of food are as you will be eating heaven etc... So first check pictures of customers and other reviews. Restaurant it's not fancy as prices in menu. It's mess tables in garden screaming for scrapping. Cats walking around. Only staff was nice and kind. Do not look Margos in St. Juan location as its decribed in their website. Its closed.

  • Rachid Mechiche

    Rachid Mechiche


    Very nice place and authentic... Not too crowded... Service was good. We had to wait quite longer than usual. Pizza were good and special. Pricing were higher than others restaurants you can find around the island. Recommended.

  • Alex Al

    Alex Al


    We had a good time there. Pizzas were really good and tasty. Service was average. Prices a bit high but okay.

  • Lara Attard Bezzina

    Lara Attard Bezzina


    Nice pizza but somewhat pretentious. This place could be so, so much better. Ribs were delicious but so badly butchered they were nearly impossible to eat. Area is lovely for kids but no gate to speak of so you need to watch them like a hawk otherwise they end up in the middle of a street.

  • en

    Eo Lo


    Pizza dough and Choco mousse were spectacular. Service way too slow and pizza toppings nothing special despite the catchy description on the menu. The owner was very nice at entertaining while we waited for food to come.

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