Plaza Hotel i Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPlaza Hotel


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248, Tower Road, 1600, Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2134 1295
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9145807, Longitude: 14.4975238

kommentar 5

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    Massimo A


    I expected much better from a Siema front Hotel. The shower was not cleaned on one occasion and when I complained at the reseption the replied that it would be done the next day. The breakfast was fine and starting at 7.30am which is nice. Depending on who you find in the reception you might be warm welcomed or not even acknowledge. Parking in the area is nearly impossible. Might take an hour to find. Bus stop close. Various shops, restaurants and bars in the area.

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    Lesley Cosens


    Hotel rooms are lovely. Spacious and clean. Central location and easy access to other areas. We were on the 1st floor with lovely view. Very noisy as your on the main road . April 9th and the outside pool still not open or roof top bar. Not ideal if you have children . There is a indoor pool for children but that's it. Nothing else for children in the hotel.. we stayed half board . Basic food with little choice. So we usually had to take the children out to eat or order fries in the restaurant .. the beach is rocky unless you go the the other side of town and you have a small grit like beach.. very clean

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    margaret spencer


    Very nice hotel in a fantastic position on the sea front. Comfy and clean rooms, cleaned every day. Breakfast very good with plenty of choice ,but let down by the evening meals which although there was 4 choices every time, we didn't enjoy the meals at all in the evenings! Hotel has a lovely coffee shop at the front where the prices were very reasonable Also the pizza place next door was fab.

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    Leonard Van Den Berg


    Central location, near Ferries. Very good al fresco restaurant and a spectacular pool deck with amazing views of Sliema and surrounds. Worth a visit. Perfect setting to have an ice cold Cisk in the heat of mid-day.

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    Alison Brydon


    A very central hotel. Clean rooms and helpful reception. This is my 2nd time here so can't be bad. The breakfasts are great!!

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