San Lorenzo Pizzeria & Take Away i Il-Qrendi

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MaltaSan Lorenzo Pizzeria & Take Away


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Triq Il-Bizantini, Il-Qrendi, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2761 7729
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Latitude: 35.8358154, Longitude: 14.4611004

kommentar 5

  • Ronnie Micallef

    Ronnie Micallef


    Good pizza, homemade burgers, wraps. They also serve maltese food on order such as rabbit. Food quality is consistingly very good and service with a smile. Love the place.

  • Disma Gauci

    Disma Gauci


    Superb service and very good pizza

  • en

    Mario Darmanin


    Great chicken pieces

  • Adrian Gauci

    Adrian Gauci


    Tried many times with no success. Our order was all messed up. Ordered a capriciosa with only half of it with mozarella, a parma pizza, and a chicken wrap WITHOUT bacon. The parma pizza was ok. The chicken wrap WITH bacon. The capriciosa all with mozzarella and their excuse was that the cheese travelled to the other half. Also without onions even though it was on the menu.

  • David Prochaska

    David Prochaska


    We had some great pizza here. They have a wide selection of other foods and local specialities. The owners are super nice. There is a bar next-door also with a pool table. The price was very reasonable and they even had a few different beers to choose from. Cash only.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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