5D Cafe - Pizza By Luca Network Partner i Msida

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Malta5D Cafe - Pizza By Luca Network Partner



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Judge Paolo Debono Street, Msida, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7760 0600
internet side: pizzabyluca.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.900234, Longitude: 14.48447

kommentar 5

  • Goran Stoilov

    Goran Stoilov


    It says they close at 00:30 which was the main reason we went there cause it was around 22 o'clock and most places in our block close at 23 o'clock. We walked 2km and when we finally arrived we were denied service cause "they were closing" which was not true as there were other people outside sitting just getting their drinks. Terrible.

  • Sebas Ortiz

    Sebas Ortiz


    Average place (not very stylish), but with a friendly service! ;-)

  • Priscilla Ann Madiona

    Priscilla Ann Madiona


    Always enjoy eating their pizzas.

  • Sir Lance Goodthrust

    Sir Lance Goodthrust


    We were there a while ago and although the service was good there were so many flies inside I thought I would catch a disease. Hopefully they get a bunch of fly zappers one day

  • Emily Gonthier

    Emily Gonthier


    Great pizza. Interesting options, either by the slice or whole pizzas. Cool to sit and hang out but they also do take away and they deliver.

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