Vecchia Napoli i Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaVecchia Napoli



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Tower Road, Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2134 3434
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9145343, Longitude: 14.4972086

kommentar 5

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    Ksenia Kıymet


    BIG DISAPPOINTMENT! When we came to restaurant it was 17:30 and waiter said it will be opened again at 18:00. We were ok with it and went to a park across the road. At 18:00 we were back( also noticed that official opening hours of restaurant in the evening were from 6 pm to 11 pm) , but no one seemed to offer us menu or ask for an order. Another visitors were also waiting at tables and told us restaurant will be opened at 18:30. We were a bit confused as we already waited for half an hour and could see restaurant’s workers having dinner or celebrating smth inside, anyway, we decided to wait again . At 18:40 we lost our patience as no one worker seemed to be interested in visitors or just explain the situation , so we left after wasting more than one hour of our time. This is really a very bad attitude , especially considering that we were also with a small baby

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    CJ Trudge


    Pizza was great, served fast and reasonably priced. Staff didn't seem very happy with each other but were good to us

  • Jonas



    Decent food but overpriced. Extremly loud environment.

  • Russell Lethbridge

    Russell Lethbridge


    Great Neapolitan pizza from a proper wood burning oven. Good pasta and other main courses, often a selection of fresh fish too. The staff are some of the friendliest around!

  • Jeremy Pullicino

    Jeremy Pullicino


    Went there with the family and had a calzone. It was very good. The place is cozy and service is great. It has a clean kitchen, in a central location and it's very reasonably priced. They also cater for gluten free crowd, which is good some. It's mainly a pizza and pasta place, but there are grills and other items on the menu too. I would go again.

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