The Waterfront Hotel i Tas-Sliema

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MaltaThe Waterfront Hotel



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Triq Ix - Xatt, SLM 1028, Tas-Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2090 6899
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.907579, Longitude: 14.498767

kommentar 5

  • Armin Memic

    Armin Memic


    Big rooms with lovely views and good location. It's renovated but it's sloppy done. Breakfast ok if you like English breakfast, we didn't like it. AC was faulty and made a lot of noise, tv kept disconnecting, dusty. Some of the staff were absolutely fantastic, like the older man that showed us to our room! While some of the other staff were just awkward and acted like they didn't want to be there. It gets the job done, nothing special. Will probably not stay here again.

  • Ajay Shah

    Ajay Shah


    The Waterfront Hotel has been renovated and it shows. Rooms are spacious, clean and very modern. Staff are friendly, hotel breakfast was nice and the bar inside the hotel is cheap. Highly recommend and would stay again.

  • en

    Glynis Thornton


    Just arrive so no in depth review. Check in was swift and the staff were very pleasant. Room is lovely and had a quick visit to the pool area which looked very nice. Looking forward to spending the next week here

  • Dom A

    Dom A


    I stayed in this hotel after it's refurbishment, it's nice and modern now, the bathroom was great. I had a partial sea view and balcony. The breakfast had a nice selection. Lifts were abit too slow for my liking especially during breakfast.

  • en

    David Farrugia


    Was there for a presentation and a buffet lunch. Buffet was abundant and good, the exception being the roast beef sliced with the grain resulting in a tougher cut than the meat deserved. Pleasant staff. Good value for money.

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