City Lounge i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaCity Lounge



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Valletta, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 8144
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Latitude: 35.8991303, Longitude: 14.5130561

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shirley Grech


    Definitely will not be going back. Very limited menu but ordered chicken. It came dry and overcooked without any sauce even though I had ordered mushroom. Vegetables consisted of very oily courgettes and peppers only! Took guests who were served tiny pieces of fish and waiters looked like they didn't want to be there. Not recommended at all!

  • norma saliba

    norma saliba


    Very nice place to visit. Nice view of St. George's square. Good food and good service. Also very clean.

  • en

    carmel casha


    We really had a great time. The food was good and also the atmosphere. This was my second time and sure it is not going to be the last. We were celebrating my wife birthday with my friends and the table was exactly in the perfect place enjoying St George Square.

  • Ethelbjorn Borg

    Ethelbjorn Borg


    Steak was served cold and was very fatty, selection of sides not impressive, too cold. Drinks were nice and service good. Nevertheless not recommended

  • Kayan C

    Kayan C


    Had to sit outside as apparently the seating upstairs was full but it meant we had the view of the St. George’s square. It was a bit cold but the heater next to us helped. We ordered calamari salad as a starter to share and then a chicken pesto pasta and beef & mushroom risotto. The mains tasted really good and filling. We paid around 36 euros for a starter, 2 mains and 2 soft drinks.

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