Di Carafa i Il-Belt Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaDi Carafa



🕗 åbningstider

95, Old Bakery Street, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1456, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 1606
internet side: www.dicarafa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.900423, Longitude: 14.513931

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Portelli


    Very friendly atmosphere, genuine freshly prepared food to meet everyone's tastes. Keep it that way!

  • en

    Zanele kk


    Was very excited to eat at this restuarnt as the menu attracted me, unfortunately my experience was terrible. The starters took 30 minutes to arrive, below average in taste although the presentation was excellent. We had planned to order a main course also but as the starters took so long we didn't have the time or patience to wait alot longer for a main course. On top of that, once we ordered drinks and starters we asked the waiter to come back in a few minutes and take our main course order but he forgot about us and ignored us for 30 minutes, making eye contact with him was impossible. So after the disappointing long awaited started we got the bill and left. It seemed the other tables ( Maltese customers) got great attentive service. So I got the impression the restuarnt is great for locals and terrible for anyone outside of their community.

  • Warren Grech

    Warren Grech


    Loved the food, service and ambience. Highly recommended.

  • Thomas A. Thomas

    Thomas A. Thomas


    Looks and feels nice from outside. Never tried it but would give 5 stars for location and style.

  • Thushan Liyanage

    Thushan Liyanage


    Serves tasty Italian and Maltese food. Very friendly service and great location. Has a good selection of wine. Service (like all Maltese restaurants!) is slow but this is only because we're used to the pace of things in London.

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