Noni i Valletta

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211, Republic Street, VLT 100, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 1441
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Latitude: 35.9004509, Longitude: 14.5160314

kommentar 5

  • Stefan Attard

    Stefan Attard


    There isn't much to say, amazing food and service. The place is very nice and we were treated very respectfully. After-dinner digestifs were given for free. Prices are on the expensive side but well worth it. It's worth walking further down the street for it. Highly recommended

  • Tokura Yuriko

    Tokura Yuriko


    Excellent experience at this restaurant. I found here by chance Google map. The service was perfect because staff were very welcome and fantastic. Interior was cool and trendy. We had Rabbit for main was served beautifully. An automatic appetizer was creamy soup was very savory and aromatic. Although I am a small eater so could not have dessert, Americano was great with small sweets.

  • John Joseph Pace

    John Joseph Pace


    Exquisite food with excellent service. Fish dishes were simply divine with desserts to match. Well done to the chef and staff. One of the best meals I have ever enjoyed. Memorable experience.

  • en

    Jurgen Gatt


    A friend of mine recommended this restaurant. I must say, by far the best thing about the place are the bathrooms. Hexagonal tiles of marble. Walls of bare stone-work. Music at a perfect volume. Lush plant on the window sill. Regrettably, the food was, at best, lackluster and, realistically, pompous, overpriced and near-edible. The service was worse. I am reconsidering my friendship with said friend.

  • J A S

    J A S


    Amazing food. Best I have ever tried. The cauliflower and vanilla soup was extraordinary. The service was top notch and I highly recommend Maltese red.

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