L'Artiglio i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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64, Melita Street, VLT1122, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2247 6601
internet side: www.lartiglio.com.mt
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Latitude: 35.898159, Longitude: 14.509993

kommentar 5

  • en

    Salv Mifsud Bonnici


    A new good restaurant. Simple but taseful decor, good service and decent wine list. Creative menu and good food.

  • Vitali Ustsinovich

    Vitali Ustsinovich


    We had breakfast and dinner at this restaurant during our stay at La Falconeria hotel. Both meals were great, service attentive and chef's creativity impressive.

  • Alison Chetcuti

    Alison Chetcuti


    Very tasty and original flavour combos. Great service with a smile

  • Rob O'Reilly

    Rob O'Reilly


    Breakfast (staying in La Falconeria) is very good. I can only assume that the evening meal maintains the same ambition and commitment to quality. Solid 2 stars on a 3 star scale, best breakfast I had in Malta by a wide margin. I should say that all staff in the hotel are fantastic and the restaurant is no different. Respectful without being obsequious, friendly without being over-familiar. Genuinely impressive people, and the element that adds a real touch of class to an environment that is already aesthetically and architecturally very pleasing.

  • Andrew Swerdlow

    Andrew Swerdlow


    After asking the waiter two times to please make sure my food was vegetarian they served me pork in my pasta. Only after asking them to tripe check with the chef since my food tasted like meat did they tell me that in fact there was pork in my pasta... :( Very disappointing.

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