Euro Guesthouse i Gzira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaEuro Guesthouse


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6 Sir Frederick C. Ponsomby Street, Gzira GZR 1075, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2132 4242
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9061875, Longitude: 14.4967486

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Sandrine Antunez


    Excellent tout etait parfait

  • Thomas A. Thomas

    Thomas A. Thomas


    Very racist and unfriendly owners.

  • Kiril Totev

    Kiril Totev


    Fantastic hotel in a great location! Clean and cozy rooms, friendly staff, nice breakfast, excellent service! I could strongly recommend! P.S: The man working on the reception - Charles - is a great person who gave us extremely good advices and he is eager to help with everything. We were honored to meet you, Charles! :-)

  • Gianni Abate

    Gianni Abate


    Hotel eccellente. Camere accoglienti, pulite, dotate di aria condizionata. Personale a modo e cortese, parlano anche l'italiano. Posto strategico per visitare Malta. Consigliatissimo

  • Mateusz Gawliński

    Mateusz Gawliński


    Amazing place! We were very worried about it judging by others opinions but everything changed when we arrived. Room was extremely clean and fresh. The place is run by its owners (wife and husband). They are very nice and kind people. We stayed at Euro Guest House for a week and payed 147 euro which is extremely cheap. We didn't buy the breakfast option because we preferred to try some local specialities, so we can't tell whether it's good or not. The wi-fi access and a safe were free of charge. Guest house location is very good - 1 minute walk to bus stop, whereas a bus can take you almost anywhere on the island. If you're visiting Malta soon, we would definitely recommend you the Euro Guest House!

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