The Grassy Hopper Gzira i Il-Gżira

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MaltaThe Grassy Hopper Gzira



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Triq San Gorg, Il-Gżira, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2131 1676
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.902822, Longitude: 14.494114

kommentar 5

  • Shaun Borg

    Shaun Borg


    Fresh delicious food! The acai bowl is magnificent! Highly recommend for lunchtime!

  • John-Matthew Spiteri

    John-Matthew Spiteri


    A wonderful place to eat healthy. A great hangout, lovely staff, feel good ambience and great food to go along. Smoothies and drinks are amazing, also with a choice of desserts and home-made treats. Service with a smile, Thank You.

  • en

    Ian Higham


    Delicious food! We went for lunch. I had a smoothie since I had skipped breakfast - this was not the best. But for lunch I had oyster mushroom risotto and it was INCREDIBLE! I highly recommend this restaurant. My partner had a burger that also looked great. Portions were very sizable. And the clientele was sophisticated and chic - not just a hippy vegan cafe with bad Indian food like you often find.

  • Dominika Jarzynska

    Dominika Jarzynska


    Very pleasant place, the doors are a bit annoying as they're not 'push/pull' but slide & people more often than not just don't close them. ❄️🤷🏽‍♀️ The 'pancakes' with peanut butter and banana were not warm, which I found weird, but they were delish nevertheless. The selection of teas was amazing! I had green raspberry☕️🍵👌🏼& the noodles were very VERY salty, I had to leave 1/2 the plate because I just couldn't have more. The lack of veg in the dish was also upsetting, all there was is onions, aubergines and some spinach leaves & the rest was pasta... for €9.5. Prices are not reflective of the quality at all, but I get it, it's a 'vegan place'. The 'pancakes' were something like €6.5, the green juice €4.10. It didn't taste amazing, but you can't expect a green juice with celery and kale to, I suppose. Not the most amazing food, but absolutely amazing and lovely staff who were helpful and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. Many thanks X

  • Ben Galvin

    Ben Galvin


    Ate here after eating at the Valetta branch the day before. We ordered a latte and a caramel latte which were both delicious! We also ate a mint slice and snickers cake which were incredible (both around €2-3). We also ordered some burrito wraps to takeaway which were really tasty, even cold! Definitely recommend this place if you're vegan (or if you're not!)

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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