da Pablo i Valletta

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Maltada Pablo



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Republic Street, VLT 1112, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2713 0377
internet side: www.dapablo.com
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Latitude: 35.8994052, Longitude: 14.5144429

kommentar 5

  • Chiara C

    Chiara C


    In the hearth of Valletta, amazing Italian seafood restaurant, succulent food, warm and friendly atmosphere...ask the chef and his wife for a taste of 'taranta' dancing and music!!! Highly recommended :)

  • en

    Margie Gilles


    Located in a medevel building, it is an intimate dining experience. The food is exquisite and the wine selection is wonderful. Service is second to none. I ate there once and it was so good, went back again. I highly recommend if you like good food in a unique environment.

  • Mika Boström

    Mika Boström


    Nice little, uncomplicated place. It's not cheap by Malta standards, but the food is tasty. Also, the house white goes well with the lobster ragu.

  • Christine Borg

    Christine Borg


    Varied choice of food Deliciously cooked Good amount of food Good variety of wines to accompany culinary tastes Tète a tète dining Good natured host with a smile promoting her husband's cooking

  • Jeremy Pullicino

    Jeremy Pullicino


    The pasta here is amazing. It's not a cheap place by my standards, however it's worth it. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Location is great. I would recommend this place for a nice quiet romantic dinner. Next time I am there I will try their meat or fish dishes.

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